
In all it's glory, YarnBag-a-saurus...

Unfortunately, my cousin Deedee passed away recently. A few years back, her mom, my aunt, Helen, also passed. As family members were cleaning out the house, my mom had heard of this huge bag of yarn that was there. My great aunt Helen had taught my mom to crochet and then my mom taught me. It's something I cherish very much and it's something I can carry on for years for them both.
I have a lot of sentiment with this yarn, but at the same time, I suppose I should use it doing something I love: yarnbombing!

Behold..... YarnBag-a-saurus:

(A soup can is all I could find
for scale purposes!)


I'm a creator!

I made a Meetup SnB and a Ravelry SnB! Here's to hoping for members!! I love my banner. I hope NatalieDee.com doesn't get upset. Better send an email...

I'm actually crocheting!

I'm currently working on my Purl Foundation squares for the homeless. I don't have great colors. For now, orange, white, dark gray wool, brown, maybe red.



I just found a stash of cheapo yarn that I had to wind on my new winder (yay!), however....

An hour and a half. An hour.... and... a half. The green beast is safely in it's basket now, but what a pain. So many knots... so many tears...

I need to get in gear here. I WANT to do so many things, but would rather wind, browse and read about crocheting instead! Teehee.


The Toy Society

I found another cute cause! The Toy Society is kinda like yarnbombing, but where you WANT someone to take it. I like the idea of a little kid taking and loving whatever I create, or even a grown up! I applied to TTS, but first thing's first... I gotta learn how to crochet toys!!

Yarnbombing Tags

Yay, my tags came in! They actually arrived Saturday, but I've been inebriated and suffering from drunken party wounds pretty much all weekend, so I've been out of commission. But I love them! With all this rain, though, I'd probably need to laminate a few of 'em. Here's the pic of what they look like again.

Baby, it's frickin' cold outside!

Wow it is really raining. I'm gald I waited to hang my latest yarn bomb because it is just pouring. The dogs are having trouble going potty!! I have to take them out to the EZ-Up! I just had to take Soda to work (I have today off) because her stomach started gurgling similar to last week. They gave her some meds and took xrays, so we're just waiting for the blood results to come back.

This is great crocheting weather. Better get to it!


Movie night

I went to my first night Knitting to the Classics. At my favorite LYS they show classic movies every first Friday of the month while we eat pizza and yarn it up. It was fun. The ladies were very nice to me but of course gave me weird looks when I said I was knitting a "cover" for the pole next to my work. I didn't want to bring up the word bombing or grafitti to these little old ladies, lol. I wish I could have stayed but I was so tired. They were doing a double feature with one of my favorite movies too: White Christmas.
I got my christmasy project for work done, though. Here is Leanie showing my candy cane-esque yarnbomb:

 I also started on my 6x8 squares for The Purl Foundation. I wish I had a bigger stash. My stash sucks. Yarn, yarnnn, YARRRRRNNNN!!!



I went to my LYS #1 and purchased some soft green yarn to make a sweater for Pokey. Then I remembered my LYS #2. I found better yarn, but now I'm too embarassed to return the other skein. I can use it, but I would normally buy cheap green for things to bomb. This was like 6 bucks. Oh well, I'll just have to forget about it. Forget about this AND the fact that I spent money yesterday on crochet stuff.


I couldn't help myself.

I shouldn't have, but I did... I bought myself bamboo crochet hooks, SUPER cheap yarn for tagging, AND a yarn winder. *Sigh* I couldn't wait for my birthday!!! They are gorgeous, and I had a free shipping coupon from Joanns! Hey, don't judge me...



Poor Soda

I had to spend a couple of hours in the waiting room at the Animal Emergency Clinic. I guess Soda was feeling pretty bad the past few days. She kept throwing up and I thought it was just her upset tummy she gets sometimes. Turns out she had thickened blood, a very low tempurature... She has to stay there overnight. I hope she's okay :o(.
If there IS a bright side, I got a lot of my sister's scarf done. Skein one is done. Skein two is next.


Sad Saturday

My cousing Deedee died the day before Thanksgiving. She had had cancer for about 2 years. We weren't especially close, but I knew her well enough and loved her. I'll really miss her. We had so much in common. She loved cats and loved my little dogs so much she just couldn't stand it. She came to Pokey's birthday party around the time she found out she had cancer. She had the very best time. I'm so glad she came!! I took Soda with me today when my mom and I went to her house to visit with some family and help sort some things. Dee's aunt (my great aunt) had lived with her and been taking care of her. She said she HAD to kiss Soda first or Dee would get mad, lol. I love it. Then she gave me a bag with two pieces of material in it. She said that Dee had been wanting to make one of those blankets for Pokey that tie on the sides for his birthday party (that was this past September), but when she felt better. She never got to make it, but she had wanted him to have it so bad. I can't wait to put it together. Pokey is already laying on the material!
Besides the sadness of Dee's passing and all the memories in that house, there is ANOTHER saddening thing: while we were there, Soda rolled in some sort of cat urine and/or feces and has the stench on her. I CAN'T SHAMPOO IT OFF!! I shampooed, rinsed and repeated 3 times and it still has the hint on pee.
Anyways, on the way to Dee's house, I got to work on my sisters scarf, and I suppose I could say it's 1/4 of the way done. I love fat yarn. It makes the work go by so much faster. Although, I AM having trouble keeping my stitches loose. The scarf is a little stiff.

Dee's service is this Tuesday at 4. Such sad times, but I love seeing my family. They live so far. :o(


Ok, I didn't nap. Instead I stayed up and designed a tag for my yarnbombs. I searched and searched for the (c) on this picture for about a weeks straight, and I couldn't find anything on it. I hope no one gets mad. But, I have to admit I didn't create it myself. In honor of Mother Earth and the one who cared enough to Photoshop this little globe, I present, my calling card:

Mmmm... Yarrrnnn...

I just got back from Joann's and bought a one pound skein of white and 2 regular sized thick dark grey wool for my sisters scarf. I hate making scarves. They are so boring, but I really wanna make one for her. I find that it almost seems to go faster if I start long-wise. If I make the longest part of it first then go back and forth. We'll see. Right now I really want to take a nap. Max (the chihuahua I'm babysitting) won't stop crying for some reason. He better stop, I'm tired!!
Here's what I bought:
(I also purchased a sewing box for my yarn and hooks and a little christmas doggy sweater)


Fuff Puff (Faux Buff Puff)

So I loooooooove Buff Puff face scrubbers, but those suckers are so darn expensive and only last so long until they are yuck. I've attempted to crochet little squares of plain white, undyed, cheap and scratchy yarn to see if I can just crochet me up a square now and then when I need one! I'll let you know how radiant and beautiful my skin is tomorrow.

A day of carcasses.

Happy thanksgiving everyone (anyone?)!
Had a great time at mom's. Awsome food, family laughs, more awsome food. But all the while I had the itch to get back online and continue the never ending search of crocheting/knitting projects. It is my crack.

I found this awsome rat on someones blog leading to an etsy page. I wonder if I could take a shot at creating it...


Go, holly, go!

They're getting better!

My attempt at holly.

This is what I've been trying at for the past hour or so:

This is going to take more practice than I thought.

Enough procrastinating!!!

After some inspirational viewing of OutdoorKnit's page, I'm forcing myself to sit down, turn on I Love Lucy and crochet the projects floating around in my head!! Readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, CROCHET!

It's official.

So I now own crochettheday.com (I think). Cute, no?


Too busy to crochet?!

Tonight is my first Taco Tuesday at my house. I'd love to sit and crochet Pokey a sweater, but I have a ton of cleaning to do due to the camping we did all weekend. Camping stuff is EVERYWHERE!
Blogger, are you sick? Why can't I post my profile picture?! Grr!


The Flowery Beginning

I've worked very little this weekend on my flowers. I seriously need about 30 of them to get the whole effect that I want. I have 5 and 2 already on the fence. Not a good start. I could have made so many more, but I take fingernail biting and staring at TV breaks. I better get back to work!


The FIrst Blog

Love it. Use it. Crochet the day!